Ever looked at Captain America’s butt? (We have.) Ever watched Star Trek porn? (It exists. We have.) Ever watched Marvel comics or sci-fi and thought you might like to incorporate some of that gear or role play into your own kink life? (Lots of people have.) It can be daunting to try to assemble your own collection of cosplay gear, though. After all, you can’t just pop down to Mr. S for this stuff.
Fortunately, we know someone with literally closets full of gear and he’s willing to share tips and tricks for assembling our own collections. SF’s very own Shawn Kinnear really needs no introduction as a long time member of SF’s kink community, an alumni of LDG’s board of directors, and a foremost cosplayer. We all know him, we all love him, and we got him.
We encourage attendees to come in their own cosplay looks whatever that may be…